• Configuring Number Attributes

    Overview Number Attributes in Shibumi provide the ability to display values as numbers, percentages, or currencies. They can be configured to contain a collection of data sets (e.g., Actual, Target, Forecast) that can be used across your solution to allow for comparative analysis and conditional formatting in your sections. Creating…

  • Release 203.0

    21 October, 2023 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Ability to set Form Fields as Conditionally Visible Conditional Formatting in Tables for dataset-enabled numeric attributes Ability to Download User List from the Enterprise Admin User Tab Ability to set a custom default value…

  • October 2023

    Overview In this month’s newsletter, we’ll highlight the Required Fields and App Validation capabilities recently added to the Shibumi platform. Required Fields Previously, there was no ability to define fields as required on Edit and Create Forms. To work around this, clever App Admins designed dynamic information messages to highlight…

  • Managing Forms

    Overview Forms display fields that are used to collect and maintain critical and strategic program data. Attributes are first defined within the template Data Panel and can then be added as fields on Forms. Changes to the attribute definition can be done within the attribute settings dialog accessed via the…

  • Release 202.0

    07 October, 2023 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Ability to set fields as required or conditionally required on Create and Edit Forms App-specific search function Ability to use injected expressions in filter value for Export/Import sections Issue Resolutions: Layout cannot load when…

  • Dynamic Text

    Overview Hot Tip: You can dynamically define section titles, table row headers, instruction text, and field labels! We often sing the praises of having a centralized template to manage the layout and behavior of all instances of a template. E.g., if you want to add a new chart to the…

  • Setting Values on Descendent Work Items

    Overview There are many ways for values to be assigned to attributes in Shibumi: Manually entered by a user Populated using the GraphQL API Defaulted from the template Set by a Business Rule Calculated A common requirement is to use values from ancestor items to populate values in a work…

  • Release 201.0

    23 September, 2023 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Allow Date Range page-level filter to only have a custom range Allow multiple options to be selected in Data Range page filter App Validation: Data Panel & Tab Visibility Allow Delete from Table section…

  • Release 200.0

    09 September, 2023 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Data Sets for Date & Numeric Attributes Seed descendant work items using Table Create on template Issue Resolutions: Import via Export/Import section is not performant when Association columns are included Cannot import app after…

  • Release 199.0

    26 August, 2023 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Shibumi Database upgrade Issue Resolutions: Custom Chart sections with both Lines and Columns use the same color Notes: The database upgrade will provide a modern solution to support future platform product enhancements. This migration…