Shibumi Hotkeys

At Shibumi, our name and founding principle derive from the same Japanese term signifying “the pursuit of perfection through simplicity,” or more simply, “effortless perfection.” In this latest Tech Tip, we’re excited to showcase a recent enhancement that epitomizes this principle, offering simplicity to our App Admins as they configure their solutions. This achievement was realized by the Shibumi team through the implementation of Hotkeys for toggling edit modes which streamlines the configuration process.

Now, you can toggle between Configure and Design modes, as well as enabling the Data Panel without ever having to move your mouse!

Hotkeys are listed below along with the locations where they can be used:

  • Toggle Data Panel: “d” (Templates)
  • Enter Design Mode: “e” (Templates, Dashboards and Presentations)
  • Enter Configure Mode: “w” (Templates, Dashboards and Presenations)
  • Enter Display Mode: “q” (Presentations, Dashboards)
  • Open the Search Bar: “s”
Updated on May 29, 2024

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