Retail Calendar Enterprises

Retail companies do not operate on a regular month-based calendar. They use structures that better support the cadence of the retail industry. The layout of the calendar lines up holidays and ensures the same number of Saturdays and Sundays in comparable months. Hence, like days are compared to like days quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year for sales reporting purposes.

Shibumi offers the industry standard 13-period calendar or variations of a 4-5-4 calendar (4-5-4, 4-4-5, or 5-4-4). Every 5-6 years, an extra week is added to reconcile the calendar year (making it a 53-week year). There is no action required of you to define this behavior

Just like a standard Calendar Year enterprise, aggregations are aligned to the Retail structure automatically. For more information on how to leverage Retail Calendar within your solution, please contact your Shibumi Account Representative.

There are some visual changes that come along with Retail Calendar enterprises when compared to the standard Calendar Year enterprises which are outlined below:

Notice the timeframe ‘pill’ selection on the Workplan Gantt displays Period rather than Month. Additionally, the Gantt Chart time cadence columns display Period references rather than Month references.

For Metric View sections showing Months, the timeframe columns display Periods.

Chart sections with a Monthly frequency display Periods.

Metric Timeframe Columns in Table sections with a Monthly frequency will display Periods.

Updated on January 24, 2025

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