

To reference the currently logged in user, use the user. prefix followed by the desired metadata suffix.

The following metadata is available:

user.emailAddress the email address of the currently logged in user
user.firstName the first name of the currently logged in user
user.fullName the full name of the currently logged in user
user.lastName the last name of the currently logged in user
user.role if the user is explicitly assigned to a role on the work item, the role held by the currently logged in user
user.roleAccessRight if the user is explicitly assigned to a role on the work item, the access right of the role held by the currently logged in user
user.status the status of the currently logged in user
user.timeZone the time zone setting for the currently logged in user

Where Available

  • Field Editability expression
  • Tab Visibility expression
  • Dynamic Filter
  • Embedded Section URL attribute
  • Business rules: Notification Subject
  • Business rules: Notification Body
Updated on April 23, 2021

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