

When referencing Roles, use the Role API Name. App Admins can find the Role API Name on the Roles tab on the Data panel on a template. Role API are not editable and are assigned at role definition. Role API names include the __r suffix.

Referencing the role API name will resolve to a comma-separated list of the user(s) assigned to the role (e.g., {!Project_Team__r} = [email protected], [email protected]).

Additionally, the following reference suffixes resolve to other metadata of the role assignee(s):

role__r.firstName the first name(s) of the user(s) assigned to the role
role__r.lastName the last name(s) of the user(s) assigned to the role
role__r.fullName the full name(s) of the user(s) assigned to the role
role__r.emailAddress the email address(es) of the user(s) assigned to the role

Where Available

  • Field Editability expression
  • Tab Visibility expression
  • Dynamic Filter
  • Embedded Section URL attribute
  • Business rules: Condition
  • Business rules: Assign Role
  • Business rules: Create Work Item
  • Business rules: Set Value
  • Business rules: Notification Subject
  • Business rules: Notification Body
  • Business rules: URL Call
Updated on June 21, 2022

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