Workspace Overview


The Workspace is divided into three areas:

  1. Navigation Sidebar: Quick links to Search, Homepage, Notifications, Favorites, Recently Viewed and Navigation trees to help you navigate your App solution. Available on all pages.
  2. Header: Consists of the page name, breadcrumb trail, participant avatars, and action menu. Breadcrumb trail indicates the page location in your solution. Participant avatars show who has access to view or edit the page. Action menu provides access to settings, rename the page, or move/copy the item. Header is available on all pages in your solution.
  3. Work Area: Contains tabs and sections that allow you to view and edit data. See Work Item Basics for full details.

From the Navigation Sidebar, you can select:

Icon Name Definition
Expand Menu
  • Expands the navigation sidebar to view more details or collapses to hide it for more workspace.
  • Search by item name or Shibumi ID number
  • Press the ‘s’ key to open the Search Bar
  • Navigates to the user’s homepage. See Homepages for more details.
  • Notification page where a user’s notifications are grouped in an easy to navigate mailbox.
  • The number of new notifications will appear on the Notifications icon.
  • See Notifications for more details.
  • List of items a user has marked as Favorites.
Recently Viewed
  • The last 10 items that a user viewed.
  • Easily select and navigate through work items.
  • Carets indicate the item can be expanded to view its children.
  • Bullets indicate the item contains no children.
  • This feature is hidden until an administrator has defined a navigation structure.
User Preferences
  • Provides the ability to edit user’s account i.e. Change password.
  • See User Account Settings for more details.
  • Directs the user to Help Center information.

Workspace with expanded Navigation Sidebar:

Header and Action Menu Icons

Icon Name Definition
  • Click the star icon next to the page name to add it to your Favorites list.
  • The star turns yellow and the page appears in the Favorites list.
  • To remove it from the Favorites list, click the star icon again.
  • Select Manage Favorites at the bottom of the Favorites list to edit favorites.
  • Expands and collapses the Actions menu.
  • Displayed if you have Admin access rights.
  • Provides general information of the Instance such as: App, Type, ID, etc.
  • Allows you to rename the current page.
Move / Copy
  • Move or Copy the item.
  • Provides a QR code to easily launch the page on your mobile device, and provides a way to copy the item URL to your clipboard.
  • Deletes the current item and its children.

Participant Window and Avatars

Click on the participant avatars to see all of the people that have been invited to collaborate on the currently displayed work item.  If you have sufficient permission, this list also allows you to invite additional teammates to participate.

See Roles & User Management for more details about roles, permissions, and adding participants to your solutions.

Updated on May 21, 2024

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