AI Analyze


AI Analyze intelligently reviews your program to help you progress initiatives/opportunities, get ahead of risks, and make prioritization decisions. The chatbot responds to natural language prompts by assessing your specified work item’s value, risk, dependencies, timelines, etc.

AI Analyze Prerequisites

AI must first be enabled in your solution. Contact your Shibumi Representative to enable AI and specify the template to be analyzed.

Once enabled, the Analyze Chatbot requires unique attributes to be configured on the specified template. The template must include the following attributes:

Score Attribute API Name Data Type Description
AI Value AI_Value__c Numeric The business value of the work item captured as the benefits and costs. These are summarized and calculated into the full work item’s ROI, providing a final total.
AI Risk AI_Risk__c Numeric Risk is a combination of risks identified as part of the work item and overdue milestones. Risks are quantified using scores, while milestones become riskier the longer they’re overdue. These are combined into the risk score.
AI Timeline AI_Timeline__c Numeric Captures how long the work items will take to fully execute and the health of the workplan during execution.
AI Dependency AI_Dependency__c Numeric An indicator of how interconnected the work item is to others. It is a count of direct and indirect dependencies.
AI Complexity AI_Complexity__c Numeric How complex the work item will be to execute taking into account many aspects. For instance, is it very cross functional, involving many people, multi-years long, with many dependencies on other departments, these result in high complexity score.
AI Impact AI_Impact__c Numeric The impact is an aggregated score. It is determined by calculating the average of the Value, Risk, Timeline, Dependency, and Complexity Scores.
AI Start Date AI_Start_Date__c Date attribute Start date of the work item.
AI End Date AI_End_Date__c Date attribute End date of the work item.

Analyze Chatbot Key Features

  • Easy Access & Continuous Chatting. Shibumi Analyze can be found on all pages within the solution and will keep a history of previous chat logs for easy reference.
  • Security. Shibumi knows security is incredibly important to clients, therefore, we ensure that the chatbot follows our security model and will never reply with information that the user doesn’t already have access to.
  • Logic FlexibilityThe expression that generates the value stored in each score can be customized based on the solution’s unique requirements. Configuring the expression to match goals allows the chatbot to analyze the Scores that are most important to clients.


  • Proper configuration of the expression that generates the value stored in each Score is critical for the Analyze function to work.
  • If any of the prerequisite attributes are missing from the solution, the Analyze function will not be available.

Example Questions to use with AI Analyze

  • Which valuable initiatives are at risk?
  • Which opportunities delivering the most value are the easiest to execute?
  • Which initiatives starting this year deliver the highest value?
  • Which complex opportunities are at risk?
  • Which milestones are most critical to others?
  • Of my most complex opportunities, which are most depended on by others?
  • Which milestones due this year are most at risk?
Updated on August 8, 2024

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