• Release 217.0

    10 August 2024 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Charts: Bubble Chart AI: Create Dashboard Tables: Bold font in Total row Custom Sections: Open URL Button does not require GraphQL Issue Resolutions: Bulk editing a Table with lots of data causes the contents…

  • Donut / Pie Chart Section

    Overview The Pie/Donut Chart is a section designed to visualize aggregated Attribute/Metric data or the count of work items in a circular format, showcasing proportional data and percentages. The chart consists of slices that represent different categories, which are proportional to the value the slice represents When reviewing charts, you…

  • Release 216.0

    13 July 2024 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Cards: Display Date and Text attribute values Cards: Expression-able text for Value 1 and Value 2 on the Display tab  Charts: Pie and Donut Charts  GraphQL API: API call to disable users in an…

  • AI Create Dashboard

    Overview The AI Create Dashboard capability allows for quick, interactive dashboard creation. By using natural language prompts on the Create tab of the Shibumi Chatbot, you can request a dashboard of the items you’d like to see. The Chatbot will respond to your prompt to configure a dashboard including a…

  • Release 215.0

    29 June, 2024 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Shibumi Database upgrade Issue Resolutions: Views with Role columns are failing to export 215.0 Release Notes

  • Parent

    When referencing the potential parent of a work item, use the parent. prefix followed by the desired suffix. The parent reference can be used to pull values from within the hierarchy, I.E., The name (parent.name), an attribute value (parent.Stage__c), role values (parent.Approver__r), etc. Where Available Calculated Attribute and Metrics Injected…

  • Parent of Parent

    When referencing a potential grandparent of a work item, use the parentOfParent. prefix followed by the desired suffix. The parentOfParent reference can be used to pull values from within the hierarchy, I.E., The name (parentOfParent.name), an attribute value (parentOfParent.Stage__c), roles (parentOfParent.Approver__r), etc. Where Available Calculated Attribute and Metrics Injected Expressions…

  • Waterfall Timeframe Chart Section

    Overview The Waterfall Timeframe Chart displays the change in cumulative Metric data over a period of time. The following chart types are available in the Waterfall Timeframe Chart: Start to End: Displays the increase & decrease in a Metric’s value over a period of time. Includes a Start column displaying…

  • Release 214.0

    15 June, 2024 (Note: Official Release Notes are available as an attachment to this article.) Enhancements: Attributes: Data Panel Attributes list includes “Admin Only” column Business Rules: Copy Business Rule Card: Progress Bar Card: Display Left Card Caption across Card width when no Right Caption used Chart: Waterfall Timeframe Chart…

  • Shibumi Hotkeys

    At Shibumi, our name and founding principle derive from the same Japanese term signifying “the pursuit of perfection through simplicity,” or more simply, “effortless perfection.” In this latest Tech Tip, we’re excited to showcase a recent enhancement that epitomizes this principle, offering simplicity to our App Admins as they configure…