To add, subtract, multiply, and delete, use standard mathematical operators (+, -, *, /). E.g.,
OPEX__m.actual__d * .20
Total_Budget__c - Total_Expense__c
sumIf(Initiative__t, Head_Count__c) / countIf(Initiative__t)
To compare one value to another, user equals (=), not equals (!=), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than and equal to (>=), and less than and equal to (<=). E.g.,
Expense_Budget >= Salary__c + CAPEX__c
LOE_Estimate__c < days(Stage_2_Start__c, Stage_1_Start__c)
if(Average_Score__c >= 1 and Average_Score__c < 5, "Green", "Red")
To concatenate text strings, use an ampersand (&). E.g.,
“Days remaining until Due Date: ” & {!days(due_date__c, today())}
FName__c & “ ” & LName__c
To check values selected in a multi-value pick list use the in and not in operators. E.g.,
Enabler_PickList__c not in "Technology; AI"
Risk_Severity__c in "High; Medium"
To filter a list or a view, use comparison operators. E.g.,
Headcount filter field: > 20
Estimated Value filter field: >= {!Minimum_Value__c}
Revenue__c filter field: <100 + !=10
Facility Number filter field: 23, 98, 426
Note: For filter values, a comma between the values is an “OR” separator and returns items with a match to any of the values. A plus sign between the values is an “AND” separator and returns items that match all of the values.
List of Operators
The table below provides a summary of all operators used by the Shibumi expression language.
Note: the syntax is case sensitive.
Category | Operator | Syntax |
Comparison | Equals | = |
Comparison | Not Equals | != |
Comparison | Greater than | > |
Comparison | Greater than or equal | >= |
Comparison | Less than | < |
Comparison | Less than or equal | <= |
Comparison | In | in |
Comparison | Not In | not in |
Concatenation | Concatenate Text | & |
Arithmetic | Addition | + |
Arithmetic | Subtraction | – |
Arithmetic | Multiplication | * |
Arithmetic | Division | / |
Logical | And | and |
Logical | Or | or |
Filter | And | + |
Filter | Or | , |