
The if() function allows for a conditional evaluation that returns a boolean (i.e., true or false). Depending on the result, one of two expressions is run.


if(condition, if true, if false)

Argument Description


The condition to be evaluated and that returns a boolean.
value if true


The value (i.e., a hard-coded value, a reference to an attribute, or a function that returns a value) to return if the condition is true.
value if false


The value (i.e., a hard-coded value, a reference to an attribute, or a function that returns a value) to return if the condition is false.

Where Available

Available in all places the injected expression icon is visible, as well as within Filter fields on Cards, Tables and List/View sections.


Where Example(s)
Field Editability expression

Tab Visibility expression

Business rules: Condition

if(Business_Unit__c="East",Num1__c,Num2__c) > 15

if(Status_Color__c="Red",First_Milestone_Date__c, Program_Mid_Point__c) > today()

if(Status_Color__c="Red",addDays(Start_Date__c,5),addDays(Start_Date__c,10)) > today()

Dynamic Expression

Notification Body

Notification Subject


{!if(Status_Color__c="Red", “Initiative is Red”, “Initiative is not Red”)}

Business rules: Set Value

Attribute expression

Embedded Section URL attribute

Business Rules: Call URL

External View URL on List/View


{!if(Business_Unit__c="East",URL1__c, URL2__c)}

Metric Expression if(Stage_Gate__c="2",CAPEX__m,Total_Expense__m)

if(Status_Color__c=”Red”, sumIf(Initiative__t, OPEX__m, active=true and Urgency__c = "High"), sumif(Initiative__t, OPEX__m, active=true and Urgency__c != "High"))

if(OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(0)>0, average(OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(0), OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(-1), OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(-2), OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(-3)), average(OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(-1), OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(-2), OpEx__m.actual__d.quarter(-3)))

If the current quarter OpEx metric holds an Actual value, average the current and past three quarters, else average the past 3 quarters.


Updated on January 29, 2024

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