Template Admins can define visibility and editability logic by entering conditional expressions on an object’s settings dialog. If the expression evaluates to “true”, the object is editable or visible.
- Visible If:
stage=3 and myRole=“collaborator”
- Editable if:
Stage__c=2 and (lifecycleStage="in_progress" or start<"01/01/2021")
These expressions can be defined for the following:
- Visibility of Tabs: Defined in the Tab Settings dialog which is accessed via the tab gear icon on templates.
- Editability of Attributes: Defined on the Settings dialog which is accessed through the selection check boxes on the right side of the Data tab.
- Editability of Metric Data Sets and Metric Time Periods: Defined in the Metric Expression Settings dialog which is accessed by clicking on the metric’s Actual or Target value on a Metric List/View or the Metric Detail page, or by opening the metric’s Settings dialog from the template Data tab.
Scenario 1: Tab is visible if the object has a completion date before January 1st
Visible If: finishDate<"01/01/2021"
Scenario 2: Attribute is editable to collaborators when the object priority is high
Editable If: priority="high" and myRole=“collaborator”
Scenario 3: Tab is visible if the description equals “west region” and the object status is In Progress
Visible If: description=“west region” and lifecycleStage=“in_progress”
Scenario 4: Attribute is editable if the user is either a Collaborator, or the Owner, Sponsor, or Admin on the object’s parent item.
Editable If: myInheritedRole=“collaborator” or myInheritedRole=“owner” or myInheritedRole=“sponsor” or myInheritedRole=“admin”
Scenario 5: Attribute is editable when the parent items Stage value is greater than 4
Editable If: parent.Stage__c>"4"
Scenario 6: Initiative level attribute is editable when the parent Program’s Region value is either APJ or EMEA.
Editable If: Program__t.Region__c="EMEA" or Program__t.Region__c="APJ"
Note: If a value includes quotation marks, they must be broken up with backslashes. I.e., If the region value is West “Best” Coast
Visible If: region=“West \“Best\” Coast”