• Best Practices – Naming Conventions

    Naming Conventions Capitalization Standardize on how to capitalize in names and labels, for example: Financial Summary rather than “Financial summary” Net Recurring Benefits rather than “Net recurring benefits” Metric Names and Types Consider using consistent metrics names that describe the metric appropriately: e.g. Net Recurring Benefits, Recurring OPEX Costs, Net…

  • Best Practices – Optimizing Across Browsers

    Optimizing Across Browsers What might look great in Safari/Chrome on a Mac …might not look the same in Edge/Chrome on Windows Tip: Just increase the height of the section by a few pixels to avoid the scroll bar appearing.  However, it may not eliminate all scroll bars in Windows.

  • Best Practices Overview

    Design Principles Shibumi is a highly configurable platform that can streamline any number of manual, document heavy, processes. With the high level of configuration it provides, we as app authors need to adhere to a strict set of design best practices to ensure a good user experience.   Elements of…

  • Best Practices – Tabs

    Tabs Tabs allow for organization of the information into focused, streamlines views. Use tabs to break up the information and reduce information overload. Tabs can be hidden & shown based on visibility rules. Try to keep the total # of tabs ever visible at one time to 5. Use visibility…