
The addQuarters() function provides the ability to add or subtract quarters from a date.


addQuarters(date, integer)

Argument Description


An expression that results in a date value (i.e., a hard-coded date, a reference to a date attribute, or a function that returns a date value).


The value to add to the date argument.  If the value provided is not an integer, it will be rounded to the nearest integer.

Where Available

Available in all places the expression or injected expression icon is visible, as well as within Filter fields on Cards, Tables and List/View sections.


Where Example(s)
Business rules: Set Value

Attribute expression

addQuarters("2025-01-20", -1)

addQuarters("2025-01-20", -1.2)

both of the examples above would result in the same date

addQuarters(dueDate__c, 2)

Field Editability expression

Tab Visibility expression

Business rules: Condition

Stage_3_date__c < addQuarters(Stage_2_date__c, 1)
Business rules: Notification Subject

Business rules: Notification Body

Dynamic Filter

{!addQuarters(Stage_2_date__c, estimated_effort__c)}

{!addQuarters(due_date__c, -3)}

Embedded Section URL attribute

Business Rule: URL Call

External View URL on List/View

{!URL1__c & "/" & addQuarters(Program_Start_Date__c, -1)}
Metric expression sumif(Initiative__t, OPEX__m, active and due_date__c < addQuarters(Start_Date__c, 1))

sumif(Initiative__t, betweenDates(Revenue_Impact__m, Impact_Start_date__c, addQuarters(Impact_Start_date__c, 3)), Business_Unit__c="Alpha" and Phase__c=1)

Note: In a 13-Period Retail Calendar Enterprise, if you’re in the quarter that has 4 periods and you are in the 4th period of the quarter, addQuarters(date, 1) returns the last day of the 3rd period in the next quarter.

Updated on December 14, 2024

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